Friday, June 17, 2022


To me it has always been just another day. My Birthday yeah it's coming up on the 30th of this month. I have never ever looked forward to it. Because ever year never seems to fail. Something bad always seems to happen on the day or before. Even though I wish & pray for good & positive things. Anyway, enough of that, I'm just not doing very well at all Mentally & I definitely feel my Health getting worse because no one here in AZ cares about my Health or nothing. I have a Doctor but she don't give two shits about me at all. So now, I got to find a new one. I'm sure she won't give two shits either. They never do. I'm used to that. I have only had 2 good Doctors in my life here in AZ, but they now live in Tucson AZ. Anyway, still stuck here in this crappy ass apartment because Slumlord won't release me from Lease. Don't know why, he won't say. I am seriously tired of all this bullshit & crap people seem to think is okay to put me through & all. WELL IT'S FUCKING NOT!!!! & KARAMA & GOD WILL GET YOU!!! I PROMISE YOU THAT!!! 😡😡🤬🤬 I normally don't say shit like this but damn I'm tired of it all & I'm sick of them getting away with shit they put me through & do to me. I want 2 things for my birthday so bad & I'm not going to get either one of them unfortunately. Well not for my birthday anyway. So anyway, Enough of that, like I said it's just another day for me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯🤷🏾‍♀️ I AM ALONE HERE IN ARIZONA WITH NOBODY THAT CARES ABOUT ME OR NOTHING!! I FUCKING HATE IT!!! UGH!!! Sorry not Sorry!! It's the truth! 

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