Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Thankful for! :)

I am continuing this because I really enjoyed it. 😊💙👼
I am thankful for my life, yes my life meaning for being born and Surviving all that I have. I was technically not suppose to be alive. Yes, seriously my mom almost lost me she got so sick when she was pregnant with me. She couldn't hold anything down and she was losing weight. She found out later I had heart murmur one vale bigger than the other. Yeah scare I know. But by the grace of god and prayer I am was born, my heart murmur went away on its own when I was 7 . can I get it back? Yes, if I am not careful. I am watching it very carefully. 😊
I am thankful for being able to wake up everyday in my own place and live my own life. It took a while to get it but 3 years ago I finally did it. Yeah, I know should have done it sooner but honestly with all I was going through during that time I wasn't ready. I had so many issues to face and changes to make. But I am here and I am very grateful for it. 💙👼💙
I am thankful for such True and Amazing people in my life. That care enough to be apart of my life not because they have to but because they want too. I am So truly honored by that and love you all so very much god bless and Be Well. 😊💙👼👪

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