Friday, August 1, 2014

I am Thankful!

I was nominated today by a true dear friend Janet Meads to write about 3 things I am grateful for, for 3 days. I am honored and very blessed to do this. 👼💕💕😊
1. I am Thankful and Grateful for my Family and True Friends you All have helped me through really tough times and been for me when I needed it and you were there to Encourage me to be a better person, sister, cousin, niece, friend and to be that much stronger and to believe in myself and speak up for myself and stand my ground for something I am passionate about. An to never give up on Anything! 👼💕💕🌹

2. I am thankful for all the lessons I have learned growing up and to now. Because they have helped me to be that much more Stronger and be a Survivor of all that I have been dealt in my life. To believe in me and know that there are True Friends out there and the Fake ones I was so used to having. To be that much more Confident in myself and others. 👼💕🌹
3. This one is a bit tough for me so please bare with me I am thankful to these people for Saving my life, yes saving my life They gave me the Courage to be me again and know that I can overcome Anything. They are Dan Gheesling, Stacey Holland, Colleen Kelly, Ryan Boosh, Janet Meads , Joni Kendall, Honda, Mindy, Joey Villarreal, Crystal Torrey, Steve Villa, to name a few but especially my dear cousin Isela Garcia God Bless her for all that she has helped through and with. I love you all and take care you all are like my second family. I wish you all the very best. 😊👼💕💕💕💕💕🌹🌹🌹✨

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