Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Can't we just all get Along?

Normal I don't speak about matters having to do with Social Media. I like to talk about my family and things going on in my life. But the serious Amount of Hate people have for One person is ridiculous. I mean I am not saying nor do I approve of Bullying or slandering of someone's character. I know personally what this is like and its horrible. I was bullied my whole life and more. My point to this is Hate is a very Strong word and to each there own. I personally Don't and Have Never hated anyone and don't use the word either. Yes I know the word is in my blog but that's because I am addressing it. An other thing I don't appreciate people saying " America or no one likes you or hates you" first off you don't speak for me or America. Or anyone else at that. So instead of saying "we" or "America" speak for yourself. Try taking responsibility for you're self  and your own actions. Sorry for the rant and not so positive blog but this really bugged me. On that note, my mom is going on vacation with her sister Minie my Tia. (Aunt) 😊 💙👼 ✈🚘⛽ to Oregon. For a week she is excited! To visit family. This is were I want to live. 😊💙 💵 📷📹 I hope she enjoys herself. 😊 take care and be Well💙👼💕💕

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