Saturday, August 2, 2014

I am Thankful Day 2!

Good Morning! ♥☕😊👼! I was nominated by my Dear Friend Janet Mead to write about 3 Things I am thankful for for 3 Days. I am honored and blessed to do it. 😊♥👼💕

1. I am thankful for my mother with her birthday coming up on August 5th. I want to thank her for being the best that she could be she has had her struggles growing up all the way up to now. She Always stayed Determined, Strong, and Independent and will Always be a Survivor and she is also very upfront and hard working and Never Gave or Gives up on Anything Woman. I will Always admire her for it and yes like anyone she has her flaws for sure lol but who doesn't right? I love you mom and wish you the Best birthday ever! 🎂👼💕💕🙏🎁🎁🎊🎉

2. I am thankful for my life yes meaning I am thankful for all ups and downs and lessons and more I have learned with all my medical issues and all I still keep my head held high. 😊♥💪 👼

3. I am thankful for my Niece's and Nephew's they have taught me so very much. Specially my two nephew's they both have ADHD and Autism. They have such determination and Strength and Independence and Courage as do my twin niece's making there own identities and personalities and more. I am just amazed with all they have learned and want to do. An there never give up attitudes. God Bless them for it and may they continue to keep their heads up high and achieve all there life goals. 👼👼😊😊🌹🌹🌹💕💕💕♥♥♥🙏🙏👭👬🎊🎉

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