Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Thankful for! :)

I am continuing this because I really enjoyed it. 😊💙👼
I am thankful for my life, yes my life meaning for being born and Surviving all that I have. I was technically not suppose to be alive. Yes, seriously my mom almost lost me she got so sick when she was pregnant with me. She couldn't hold anything down and she was losing weight. She found out later I had heart murmur one vale bigger than the other. Yeah scare I know. But by the grace of god and prayer I am was born, my heart murmur went away on its own when I was 7 . can I get it back? Yes, if I am not careful. I am watching it very carefully. 😊
I am thankful for being able to wake up everyday in my own place and live my own life. It took a while to get it but 3 years ago I finally did it. Yeah, I know should have done it sooner but honestly with all I was going through during that time I wasn't ready. I had so many issues to face and changes to make. But I am here and I am very grateful for it. 💙👼💙
I am thankful for such True and Amazing people in my life. That care enough to be apart of my life not because they have to but because they want too. I am So truly honored by that and love you all so very much god bless and Be Well. 😊💙👼👪

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Can't we just all get Along?

Normal I don't speak about matters having to do with Social Media. I like to talk about my family and things going on in my life. But the serious Amount of Hate people have for One person is ridiculous. I mean I am not saying nor do I approve of Bullying or slandering of someone's character. I know personally what this is like and its horrible. I was bullied my whole life and more. My point to this is Hate is a very Strong word and to each there own. I personally Don't and Have Never hated anyone and don't use the word either. Yes I know the word is in my blog but that's because I am addressing it. An other thing I don't appreciate people saying " America or no one likes you or hates you" first off you don't speak for me or America. Or anyone else at that. So instead of saying "we" or "America" speak for yourself. Try taking responsibility for you're self  and your own actions. Sorry for the rant and not so positive blog but this really bugged me. On that note, my mom is going on vacation with her sister Minie my Tia. (Aunt) 😊 💙👼 ✈🚘⛽ to Oregon. For a week she is excited! To visit family. This is were I want to live. 😊💙 💵 📷📹 I hope she enjoys herself. 😊 take care and be Well💙👼💕💕

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Just a Thought..

I am just really Amazed and Shocked really with all this Hate people have in their hearts for people they don't know and may never meet. I mean wow! Then also the bullying I what are we in grade school again gosh! Grown Adults bullying each other and kids. It's really sad and heart breaking. Especially for someone like myself who was bullied there whole life. I mean just crazy and disgusting. I know freedom speech blah blah blah but not to bully people and attack there families. That's just planning wrong. Anyway sorry for the rant but I needed to get this off my chest. You don't have to agree with me I get it. But this is my opinion. So please respect it. Thank you appreciate it. πŸ’•πŸ’™πŸ‘ΌπŸ™πŸ‘ͺ

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Be Inspired!

In the sad and unexpected passing of Robin Williams I want to share my personally struggle with Severe Depression. I have been dealing with this for a very long time, it for sure is not easy by any means. It is very much treatable but only if you're willing to talk about and want the help. The sad thing with him he really couldn't share because of the constant being in the public eye. As for me, I was and am blessed and honored to have very Supportive and very Loving family and friends Encourage me to stay strong and positive. 👼💙💙 As he did too. With this being said please if you or anyone you know is suffering with Depression please get help and talk to someone. God bless and Be Well love to All! 💙💙🌹🌹👼👼

Friday, August 8, 2014

Thankful Truly!

I am Truly very Thankful for all the Support and Kindness and Knowledgement for all The Follow Friday's I do. I truly Appreciate it very much and can't say thank you enough to and truly blessed and honored I am to follow each and everyone of you. ♥👼💕💕 I am so very glad and honored to do it. I hope that it brings you that much more followers and interaction with your Supporters and Fans of many. I truly am blessed and honored to have you all apart of my life and like my twitter family 😊💙 in someway. I wish each and everyone of you all the best and take care and be Well. Love to you all!! 💙💙💙💕💕💕💕👼👼🌹🌹👪

Saturday, August 2, 2014

I am Thankful Final Day!

I was nominated by a True Dear Friend Janet Meads to write 3 things I am thankful for, for 3 days. I am blessed and honored to do it. 👼😊♥💕🌹

1. I am thankful for my dogs Precious and Peanuts they protect me and love me no matter what. I know this probably sounds silly to some but I love them like they were my kids. I don't have kids unfortunately I can't have any. 😔 but that's another topic for later. Anyway, they mean everything to me and I love them so much. 😊👼💕💕♥🌹🌹

2. I am thankful for Social media and Twitch TV because if it wasn't for that I would never have gotten to know so many Amazing True Friends I am So blessed and honored to know them and hope to one day meet them All. Including Mr. Dan Gheesling who helped make the best community of people and second family to me possible. 👼😊💕💕♥🌹🌹 #TeamReneGamers #TeamMist 😊

3. I am thankful for All the Support from everyone that has helped through the passing of my younger brother it has given me so much Strength and Motivation to be a better me and to understand why he did what he did and why he made the choices that he did. I personally wish I could've done more but I know I couldn't and I have realized that now and so much more. With that I am so blessed and honored to have done this. Thank you Janet Meads so very much! 👼♥♥💕💕🌹🌹

I am Thankful Day 2!

Good Morning! ♥☕😊👼! I was nominated by my Dear Friend Janet Mead to write about 3 Things I am thankful for for 3 Days. I am honored and blessed to do it. 😊♥👼💕

1. I am thankful for my mother with her birthday coming up on August 5th. I want to thank her for being the best that she could be she has had her struggles growing up all the way up to now. She Always stayed Determined, Strong, and Independent and will Always be a Survivor and she is also very upfront and hard working and Never Gave or Gives up on Anything Woman. I will Always admire her for it and yes like anyone she has her flaws for sure lol but who doesn't right? I love you mom and wish you the Best birthday ever! 🎂👼💕💕🙏🎁🎁🎊🎉

2. I am thankful for my life yes meaning I am thankful for all ups and downs and lessons and more I have learned with all my medical issues and all I still keep my head held high. 😊♥💪 👼

3. I am thankful for my Niece's and Nephew's they have taught me so very much. Specially my two nephew's they both have ADHD and Autism. They have such determination and Strength and Independence and Courage as do my twin niece's making there own identities and personalities and more. I am just amazed with all they have learned and want to do. An there never give up attitudes. God Bless them for it and may they continue to keep their heads up high and achieve all there life goals. 👼👼😊😊🌹🌹🌹💕💕💕♥♥♥🙏🙏👭👬🎊🎉

Friday, August 1, 2014

I am Thankful!

I was nominated today by a true dear friend Janet Meads to write about 3 things I am grateful for, for 3 days. I am honored and very blessed to do this. 👼💕💕😊
1. I am Thankful and Grateful for my Family and True Friends you All have helped me through really tough times and been for me when I needed it and you were there to Encourage me to be a better person, sister, cousin, niece, friend and to be that much stronger and to believe in myself and speak up for myself and stand my ground for something I am passionate about. An to never give up on Anything! 👼💕💕🌹

2. I am thankful for all the lessons I have learned growing up and to now. Because they have helped me to be that much more Stronger and be a Survivor of all that I have been dealt in my life. To believe in me and know that there are True Friends out there and the Fake ones I was so used to having. To be that much more Confident in myself and others. 👼💕🌹
3. This one is a bit tough for me so please bare with me I am thankful to these people for Saving my life, yes saving my life They gave me the Courage to be me again and know that I can overcome Anything. They are Dan Gheesling, Stacey Holland, Colleen Kelly, Ryan Boosh, Janet Meads , Joni Kendall, Honda, Mindy, Joey Villarreal, Crystal Torrey, Steve Villa, to name a few but especially my dear cousin Isela Garcia God Bless her for all that she has helped through and with. I love you all and take care you all are like my second family. I wish you all the very best. 😊👼💕💕💕💕💕🌹🌹🌹✨