Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What Do You Do?

What Do You Do?

What Do You Do, when someone you have such a HIGH Respect For and Truly believed in, and Stuck Up for when Others knocked them down and said things that are not repeatable, and believed was truly caring and had a big heart, Hurts you Emtionally? 

That's what I am asking myself now, I am not looking for pity or sorrow, just help in understanding how they can be this way, with you when they never met you and don't really know you. I know your probably thinking this sounds creepy or something, but that's not at all what this is, a LOT of people feel this way about this person and many people out there feel this way about some celebrities meaning Having such a High respect for and believing in and things like that. 

Long Story Short, a few nights ago, this person said somethings that were just uncalled for, and all I wanted was an apology, and they were too good or stubborn not sure which to say I am Sorry.which is why
I post this pic here( The one above) cause it says how I have been feeling since this happened shocked, hurt very hurt, and upset. I am not sure if this person really cares how I feel I don't know, but now they know how I feel. 

If you have any suggestions please feel free comment below. :) I would love to here what you would do in this situation. :) 

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