Thursday, November 7, 2013

A Stressful Year!

A Stressful Year 2013..

I have had such a crazy year, I mean were to being. December 2011 was good and bad, I Finally moved out on my own which was GREAT! and Then right before Christmas was bad, My brother Sergio who lives with me got a call from his ex's mother saying she kicked out his daughters and ex out of her house an had no idea were they were. Then My Younger Brother DRAMA, DRAMA!! just one thing after another.. from Fighting with his Baby Mama to jail to just recent getting hit by her boyfriend's car that she set up. He is by the way okay, just in a LOT of pain Physically and Emotionally. But he is hanging in there. 

I myself going through my own problems worrying about food and stuff. But I am doing better now, after getting help from my mother. Thank God, I appreciate All the help I have gotten from her. I know she has her own, struggles and all.

 So I am so ready for a New Year and a Better one at that. :) The Good Parts to this year, yes there are Up's I have meet the Best People ever, and I have a New Pic of my Nieces and Nephews.. 
Avie(Left) and Ella(Right).

Marcus is Superman and Xavier is Batman :) Halloween Pic!

That Song is for My Nieces and Nephews <3 <3 them! 

This one is for my mom :
God Bless Her! :)
Thank You All for Checking out my posts Appreciate it. :) <3

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