Saturday, November 9, 2013

My Young Brother's Life

My Young Brother's Life

Fermin and Xavier! :)
Fermin Jerry Melendez was born on Nov.18th, First let me just say I am writing this, to explain what he has gone through growing up and up until now. He is not looking for Pity or Anything just understanding and an ear to listen. yeah he didn't grow up the same way we did meaning as me and Sergio and Gabriel because it was different for us especially the time periods. But anyway, Fermin was a happy baby and always had a good spirit about him. He has a good heart and unfortunately a bit of a taker and other things. But that is neither here nor there. He has not had the greatest friends like most of us, and he got into drugs and drinking fairly young, yeah I know not good. But my brother's weren't much of brother's to him, and I tried to be there for him as much as I could at times but I to had my own problems I was going through at the time and still am. But anyway, at 3 years old his father who he never meet was killed by Mexican Mafia yeah he was a member unfortunately and then his dad's side of the family disowned him. which was very heart breaking, my mom did the best she could. Fermin has seen shit no one should ever see or go through An for sure Never wants his kids going through. He would have three boys but his first son Junior aka Fermin Jerry Melendez Jr. only lived 10 days he was born March 6, 2007. He was born premature. That was the hardest thing ever to go through for my family and I. Even now its still hard at times. But he is God's Hands now and with the Angels. Would thing this would have drove them apart him and my ex sister in law but no, he had made them stronger for a while but then a few years down the road things got bad. He got into Drugs and Alcohol really bad and was not treating her right either. But they both stayed together and had two more kids. Xavier and Marcus, Xavier he has Autism he is so very smart and full of life and just loves his daddy and loves School and Marcus he loves his daddy too and is also very smart. Basically, the whole point of this was to explain some of what he has gone throw and a little about why he is the way he is at times not making excuses for his actions at all, but just wanted you to get a better understanding of him. Recently found out this past week that he was hit by car set up by his baby mama her boyfriend at the time did it. He is doing better Phyiscally anyway, Thank you all for your Prayers and well wishes out there. :) <3 <3
Marcus! :)
Fermin My younger Brother

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