Monday, November 25, 2013

The Holidays

The Holidays

As the Thanksgiving and Christmas approach, I Think Thank God, a New Year is around the corner because this one has to say the least been really rough. Yeah there were some good things but really more bad. I mean it for sure did not start off well at all. Anyway, as I mentioned in a passed Blog that I suffer from Severe Depression, an Every year Christmas would come around I couldn't wait for it to be over. Because of what happened to me also explained in a past Blog. This year, is hard also but not as bad as years before. It is still hard for me, to just enjoy Christmas anymore. But I have really come a LONG way, and I am a LOT better than before. Still have those rough days, even everyday is a struggle because with all That I have been dealing with. 

I also want to say THANK YOU AGAIN to ALL My Dear Friends and Family who Have Helped me with so much and been here for me through ALL of this. <3 Love You ALL!! You ALL are like My Second Family and Mean Everything to me, and I am so HONORED and BLESSED to have you apart of my life :) with this all being said I Wish You All a Very Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas! :)


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