Thursday, February 13, 2014

Soul Searching :)

Soul Searching :)

All Last Week I did Some Serious Soul Searching, meaning I took a look back at everything that has happened this past month, an Now have a Whole New Outlook on things. An yes, I know nothing happens over night, Change happens slowly but surely. lol I am Currently going through some Counseling right now, and why am I sharing this because I want to people to be aware that Depression and Severe Depression which is what I have is very Serious and a Disease not the kind of disease you catch from someone or something or whatever no not like that. No you are not born with it an nor do you choose to be these way. A few weeks ago I wanted to end it all commit suicide, I was serious. What stopped me was a Retweet I saw just before I was going to do it, it was a video of a Sister expressing her feelings for her  Brother who took his life One year ago that day. (Jan. 31st. ) I started to think about my Nieces and Nephews and Friends and Family what they would have gone through if I had done that. I guess you can say it was Aha Moment. I just cried and cried thinking about how could I even think of doing that to them you know? But I understand to that for some it's not easy and that there family and friends can only do so much for them and some times it is just not enough. For me, it took that video to open my eyes to the pain and heartache I would have caused my friends and family. Now I have such a Wonderful Support group of people well I did already but I wasn't thinking about it at the time. An I Love You All for being here for me and standing and sticking by me through this as I go on my Journey to get help through Counseling. :) I can not Honestly Thank you All enough! :) May God Bless Each An Everyone of You For All your Patiences and Support <3 :)

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