Sunday, February 16, 2014

In your Honor..

In Your Honor..
On March 6, 2007, My Nephew Fermin Jerry Melendez Junior, "Junior" for short. My Younger Brothers Name Sake, was born Prematurely he was a little fighter for sure, my family, and I were so Happy to welcome him into the world. He was so small and everything, and yes it was hard to see him with all the machines and tubes attached to him but he still fought and never let it get him down. But On March 16, 2007, the good lord took him in his arms and carried him away. For sometime and even now its still hard to believe he is gone. But Every year his Birthday and Anniversary of his passing comes around we Celebrate his short lived life. An try to help others out there who have and are struggling with the same kind of situation. In the short time he was with us, he thought me so much about family and being there for each other and never taking each other for granted no matter what and Always Apologize to each other after an Agreement or fight never go to bed anger because you just never know.<3 Love to All! and God Bless! :)

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