Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Interesting Week.

Interesting Week

I have had a very interesting week last week, to say the least. Well the start was good with my Therapy, and All. Oh, by the way, My Therapist and Group Members are planning to buy Dan Gheeslings Book "Clean Your Own Mirror." and "Punch It In!" Yeah I am excited for them! :) Even though he does like me anymore :( oh well what can you do right? it is what it is! he didn't say that its just how I feel..Anyway, Enough about that, the rest of my week was interesting because my little brother Fermin was hanging out in my backyard, and I didn't even know he was there until he coughed, I thought it was my neighbors. I was mad cause he woke me up, and I laid into him. Sorry he could have come earlier and called. Then he had one of his drug friends here, oh no, no! hell no! I told him not to Ever do that Again. But my weekend that week was great had a good LONG conversations with my mom surprisingly yeah cause we can't have LONG conversations like that. It was very Eye Opening and Pleasant. :) She reminded me of a lot of things and I am very grateful for that. :)<3  Anyway, I hope you All have a great week and weekend to come :) 

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