Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Very Bad Weekend..

A Very Bad Weekend.. :(

This Past weekend on Friday March 14th, My little brother Fermin Melendez, Broke into my Home. He Stole ALL My Diabetes Medications and Some Money, and some other things. Yes, the Material stuff can and will be replaced. Thank God! But the Trust and Respect what little I had for him Cannot be replaced. I am so hurt and have feelings of Anxiety and Confusion and Depressed right now. I am trying very hard to stay Positive with some help from Family and Dear Friends Colleen Kelly and Mindy from The Renegamer Twitch Community on Dan Gheeslings Twitch Channel. Truly The Best People Ever and Can't wait to meet in person some of them. <3 Anyway, Fermin is so deep into Drugs and homeless, and all its sad really cause his boys need him, and I feel bad for them my Nephews. He says he cares and misses them but Actions Speak Louder than Words. So yeah that was my weekend, and cried All weekend cause I was and still hurt very much. I Love you All and Take Care hope yours was better than mine.. 

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