Monday, January 13, 2014

Lessons Learned 2014

Lessons Learned 2014

Wow! It hasn't even been a month in, and I have Already Learned so much for 2014. I learned that there were people who I thought were true friends all this time turned out they were not. Which to is very sad, because I felt like a fool and stupid for actually believing in them and being there for them when they needed an ear or just someone to listen to them. I Felt really let down and disappointed in myself for Allowing myself to be used again. :( I know you can't control peoples actions and whatever, but I thought I knew better especially after having so many FAKE friends most of my life. All I can say is IT IS WHAT IT IS! why you ask because you can't change whats been done already all you can do is move forward and learn from it yes, its hard, and it does not happen over night it takes time, but You will get there. :) I remember when I first heard that saying I was thinking the person who said was rude and that she could EAT IT! but After taking the time to think about she was right. Now, I use it when needed in my life. :) The Lessons I have Learned are to be more Positive and Patience, which is funny cause I used to be the Most Patience Person in my family and now not so much lol I am to a point Patient. I guess with All I have gone through in life and still continue to learn everyday because you Never stop Learning I lost some patience, but I am working on it for sure :) Now, I have to say I did still continue to have some help with all of this I Thank You All from the bottom of my heart for putting up with me and problems and life journeys I truly Appreciate it so much. :) <3 <3 

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