Sunday, December 29, 2013

The End Of 2013 !

Happy New Year! 

Finally, The Year is coming to an End. 2013, has been a UP and DOWN kinda year for me. It did not start off well at all, to say the least. But through out the year, I have met some really Amazing, and Honorable, and very Inspirational True Friends. That I am TRULY Honored and Blessed to know and Hope to One Day met in person Especially Mr. Dan Gheesling, This may sound silly to some people, but I don't care. He has Changed my Life so much without knowing it, to become a better person and sister and daughter. I will FOREVER be Grateful to him for that. God knows we need more Inspirational and Down to Earth People like him. That Enjoy helping others around him and Encouraging them to Better themselves. He is Actually the second person in my life that has done that for me, Encouraged and Motivated me and Had my back if needed to do Better for me. I will NEVER forget it. :) God Bless him and ALL the True friends in my life for Always standing by me and putting up with me and my rants and complaining about my younger brother and family issues. LOL! I know it was not easy to do, and I am sure annoying as all hell. But I am so Thankful and Grateful for Everything You ALL have done for me. :) I truly Hope and Pray You ALL have the BEST and most Wonderful New Year and Days to come. I truly mean that from the bottom of my heart. :) Love You ALL and wish You ALL nothing but the Best! :)


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