Monday, January 25, 2016

ADHD and Autism

Hello, as you all know, I have two nephew's with Autism and ADHD. I also have two brother's with ADHD. You're probably wondering why I'm talking about this, well just recently I got an Aha Moment about ADHD. I have always wanted to know what it was like for those you have this disease, what it was like for them daily. I found out through an Interview that was done with someone who has ADHD. It was really interesting, and very inspiring as well as an eye opener. I now understand the struggle and its very real. My brother's never talked about it about the daily struggle. I saw some but never knew all you know? I'm just so blessed and honored to know this information. Sure I know the medical side of these diseases but the real life stories mean so much more. I just wanted to share this. 😊🙏💕🙌💪 god bless!

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