Tuesday, February 3, 2015

My Heroes!

i know i have talked about people who inspire me,and have changed my life as well as saved it. but i am just so grateful and blessed to know all of them and you all. i know the title says my heroes, i have so many that i wanted to knownledge you all. i know i have yet to met any of you, but you are all such a huge part of my life. even without meeting you. i just want to say thank you all truly for sticking with me and helping me through all my struggles and heartaches.with some things that have happened lately it has made me appreciate everything and everyone that much more. do i wish things could be better sure and i know they will be soon. so yeah, i have learned so many new lessons and have become more at peace in my life. an hope to have home internet very soon. lol take care and god bless and be well. love to all.

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