Friday, February 27, 2015

Feeling Inspired & Gratitude!

I have seen a lot of Inspiring and Motivational Stories on TV & heard a lot as well. But this one I saw last weekend about Homelessness really changed me and made me Appreciate what I have that much more. I mean I already Appreciate my life and family & friends but it helped me Truly Appreciate it all so much more, because you Never know . I for one, don't want feel I didn't do or say enough about how Thankful I really am. 👼🙏💙💕👪💋
I know I have talked about how really thankful I am and about everyone who has inspired me throughout my life and all the Amazing lessons I've learned. Because I have and continue to learn new things everyday. 😇😊 I will forever be Grateful for it all. I truly am, after watching this show about Homelessness , I can't tell you how much it has opened my eyes and given me a better understanding to the True Struggle of just surviving everyday. I am just Amazed of how much just the little things we take for granted like a simple toothbrush to a shower or Deodorant is like gold on the streets. Its Amazing and so profound. My point of  all of this is to just Cherish and Appreciate what and all that you have in life because you just never know. 🙏🌹💕💕😊💘

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

My Heroes!

i know i have talked about people who inspire me,and have changed my life as well as saved it. but i am just so grateful and blessed to know all of them and you all. i know the title says my heroes, i have so many that i wanted to knownledge you all. i know i have yet to met any of you, but you are all such a huge part of my life. even without meeting you. i just want to say thank you all truly for sticking with me and helping me through all my struggles and heartaches.with some things that have happened lately it has made me appreciate everything and everyone that much more. do i wish things could be better sure and i know they will be soon. so yeah, i have learned so many new lessons and have become more at peace in my life. an hope to have home internet very soon. lol take care and god bless and be well. love to all.