Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Looking Back on 2015!

I Have gone through so much, in the past year, a lot of up's and down's but I Always Stayed Postive in The End. I found out my Aunt has Stage 4 Breast Cancer, and Then My Nephew's were taken from my Sister-in-Law. Then I lost my First Apartment because of Failed Inspection that was there fault. Then I Fall while living in my mom's house for 3 months before finally getting a new place. So much I know, it's crazy! lol oh, then my friend Maryann Fell before she and her husband moved into there place and after having to sell their house. Just crazy, I Always Stayed Postive through all of this, and Talked to friends that stuck by me, and have always been there for me with ALL the struggles I have had. God Bless You ALL for that, and more. I just Pray and hope for a Better New Year and to Finally get my health back at that. Well you all take care and Happy Holidays and Happy New Year wish all the Best and More. <3 <3 :)

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving to you all, I hope and pray you all have a blessed and great day. 🎉🎊🎊💕💕💙😇🙏👼i was suppose to be moved out of my moms today, but because my brother didn't call for the uhaul we won't be moving until tomorrow. 😭😔 which actually I didn't think was going to happen cause my mom said she wasn't going to rush on the uhaul. 😭😔 🚛🚚 now she has changed her mind, which I'm glad cause now she can start the process of custody of my nephew's 🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊😇😇🙏🙏🙏👪😇😇👼 which I don't think she thought about until now. Anyway hope you all have a blessed day and stay safe and strong and positive!! 😇💪👪🙏💕💕💙

Monday, November 9, 2015


Finally! Moving Out!! 🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊😂 😊 I found a place finally, just needs inspection. 😊💙🙏 I can't wait to be in my place! 😊 oh just quick update on Aunt with Stage 4 Breast Cancer, she is doing better, she has gone back to work. I'm so happy for her and wish her all the best God bless! Thank you all for you're prayers and thoughts God Bless!! 🙏💕♥😇👼🌹 oh and my sister in law has talked and seen my nephew's they miss her so much as she misses them. ♥💕🙏👼 she is staying Strong and Inspiring all around her. 😇💙🙏💕💕💪👪

Monday, October 12, 2015

Not a Good weekend..

This past Friday night, my nephew's Xavier & Marques were taken from my Sister in Law Crystal by CPS ( child protective services) for No Reason!! 😡😭 she called the police to help her and instead they team up with each other and  accuse her of being a Heroin Attack and embarrass her in front of her neighbors. These stupid fuckers have no shame!! 😡😠 excuse my language, I apologize but That just wasn't right at all. 😭😔 I pray my nephew's who have Autism are okay. An doing OK. I miss them! I feel so bad for Crystal 😔💕💕👼🙏👪😇 please pray for my family and nephews. 🙏🙏💕👪

Friday, October 2, 2015

Almost Ready !

I'm really hoping, & praying that I get this place so we can move already. Moving I have to say is very stressful and frustrating because of all the searching and stuff. To find a place and waiting for all the status updates. Ugh... 👼😇🙏🙏💕💕💕💪 staying Strong and Positive!! Thank you All for hanging in there with me. Love ya all! ♥💕😇

Sunday, September 20, 2015

My Moving Day!

My Moving Day, was so 😴 (exhausting) lol we me and my brother and mom finished at 5am! 👀😯😇 we started moving things at 2:30pm. Yes kinda late I know. Lol 😂 but didn't think we had so much stuff, but we did. Lol we got rid of a Lot though too. Which was crazy! 😲 lol anyway, we are here at moms Temporary until we find a place. So yeah, it is weird being back here though, after 3 years. I'm glad I have a place to come to if I had too. Anyway, I just pray to find a place soon you know? 🙏💕💙😊👼 well hope everyone is well and god bless! ♥♥

Monday, July 6, 2015

Peace, Love, & Family!

I know I haven't blogged much lately, I do Apologize for that. 👼💙🌹 these past months, I have never felt so blessed and at peace with my life than I do now. I have learned so much like I do everyday. I mean you never stop learning no matter what. 😊😇 I have to say I have such wonderful, caring, true and understanding friends. It means more to me than you All will ever know. 💕🙏👼😊🌹🌹 I am really starting to put myself first meaning my health, because I don't ever want to ignore it again or allow any negativity to disrupt that in anyway. Because I want my good health back and I am working hard at doing that. 😊💙💕♥♥ I have to Thank You All For Especially Colleen Kelly, Dan Gheesling, and Janet and Joni Kendall and more All the Renegamers for helping me to work on being closer with my mother. For years, her and I have never been close , we just never got along, and hardly did much together. But now, because of All you're help and encouragement  we are slowly working on our relationship, and she is Listening so much better now than she did before. Lol 😇😊💕💕🙏 Thank you All so very much and God Bless & Be Well. 😇🌹🌹🌹👼💕💕💕👪


Hey! You know all these months with no internet has been Empowering. 👼🙏💕💕😊 I still miss you all so much. I am working on getting internet again. 😊👼💞😇 the reason these months have been Empowering is because I have been watching some really Inspiring and
Gratifying and Truly up lifting Stories. I Have been feeling Truly Truly Blessed and an Attitude of Never Giving Up and Persevering and Staying Strong. 💕💕💕💙💙😊😊🌹🌹🌹🙏🙏👪💪 I truly hope you all are Well and Feeling Blessed too. 😇♥♥ God Bless you all!!!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Feeling Strong!

A few months ago, I went to see a new Pain Management Doctor, why am I telling you this , because he was very inappropriate during the appointment, never thought I would be saying that, but yes he was. He questions were inappropriate as well his exam. An his Assistant did nothing. I left there feeling sick and shocked. An also feeling like why didn't I do anything? Why did I just freeze? 😔😭💔🙊😞 I didn't know what feel or think for months, I felt like I  was 5 again, I was just so confused and scared. I wasn't sure what to do or say .of course I said something I wasn't going keep it inside hell no, I filed a complaint with Arizona Medical Board. So yeah, I am proud of myself for that, because I know I have come a long way from the quiet little girl. I am much stronger and a survivor , 🙏💕💪😇 I hope that no one ever goes through this. An don't be afraid to say anything or report it. God bless and thank you all for listening. 🙏👼😇💕💙💕🌟

Friday, February 27, 2015

Feeling Inspired & Gratitude!

I have seen a lot of Inspiring and Motivational Stories on TV & heard a lot as well. But this one I saw last weekend about Homelessness really changed me and made me Appreciate what I have that much more. I mean I already Appreciate my life and family & friends but it helped me Truly Appreciate it all so much more, because you Never know . I for one, don't want feel I didn't do or say enough about how Thankful I really am. 👼🙏💙💕👪💋
I know I have talked about how really thankful I am and about everyone who has inspired me throughout my life and all the Amazing lessons I've learned. Because I have and continue to learn new things everyday. 😇😊 I will forever be Grateful for it all. I truly am, after watching this show about Homelessness , I can't tell you how much it has opened my eyes and given me a better understanding to the True Struggle of just surviving everyday. I am just Amazed of how much just the little things we take for granted like a simple toothbrush to a shower or Deodorant is like gold on the streets. Its Amazing and so profound. My point of  all of this is to just Cherish and Appreciate what and all that you have in life because you just never know. 🙏🌹💕💕😊💘

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

My Heroes!

i know i have talked about people who inspire me,and have changed my life as well as saved it. but i am just so grateful and blessed to know all of them and you all. i know the title says my heroes, i have so many that i wanted to knownledge you all. i know i have yet to met any of you, but you are all such a huge part of my life. even without meeting you. i just want to say thank you all truly for sticking with me and helping me through all my struggles and heartaches.with some things that have happened lately it has made me appreciate everything and everyone that much more. do i wish things could be better sure and i know they will be soon. so yeah, i have learned so many new lessons and have become more at peace in my life. an hope to have home internet very soon. lol take care and god bless and be well. love to all.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A New Lease on Life. :)

i have truly had a very hard week, dont get wrong i am not trying to sound like woahs is me, i just felt like everything was failing around me. an i was hurt that everytime i asked or talked to some people for advice i was getting fakeness, or lied too. like im not worth the truth you know.? but i am doing so much better now, because i got reed of those people in my life and my true friends helped me through it and i will forever be greatful and appreciate them all so much. god bless them all. i also have had a few aha moments along the way. i truly appreciate all of youre support n love n for staying strong with me. love to all.