Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A Sad Day.

Today I found out Nov. 1, 2014. That a fellow Renegamer and Dear Friend Michael only 23 died in September. 😔😭👼💙🙏 aka Props. Was his twitch name. He was sick and didn't tell his family. He was a Great and Wonderful friend. God bless him and may he be in peace. He Always had a great since of humor. 💙🌹 😊 he will be missed for sure. Also after finding this out my apartment was broke into again. Yes, again.. I am feeling confused and sad all at once. Please if you are not well get help and tell you're loved ones. They love you and care about you don't keep it to you're self. Ever!! Well please take care and be well. Love and miss you all so much. 💙💙💙😇👼🌹🌹🙏🙏 R.I.P. Props! 💙💙 ALWAYS A RENEGAMER!

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