Friday, October 18, 2013

My Inspirations.

 My Inspirations.. :)

I have a had a pretty hard life growing up, and it was not easy at all. Especially growing up in a bad area all my life. I grow up in Phoenix, AZ yes its a big city, but just like every city or town it has it faults and bad people. I mean lets face it no place or town, or city or Country at that, is prefect or the greatest ever. I mean lets be real here you know?  Anyway, Yes I could've gone the bad route, now I am not saying by any means am I the greatest Daughter. God knows, I have made a lot mistakes in my life, that I am not proud of at all. But I do know that it's apart growing up for sure. You live and learn everyday no matter how old you are. I could have been a Drug Attack, or a Dealer, or Alcoholic, or worse, but I can Honestly say I  Never been any of that. I am for one very Grateful for that, for sure. I was raised better than that. No, my mom was not prefect by any means, but she did the best she could by herself, raising 4 kids on her own. (Three boys and a me.) She worked full time and went to School for her Accounting Degree full time and damn near lost her house that she owns now, twice. But by the grace of God she did it and managed for sure. With no help from two dead beat drunk and abusive soul called fathers. but that's another story. anyway,Even with all that me and my family has gone through we all have Survived and have Inspired each other to keep going. For my mother it was us kids that kept her going. Now, it's her grandchildren, Two grandsons and Two Granddaughters (twins). The twins are my brother Sergio's daughters,and the boys are my brother Fermin's the younger brother. (In pic below is Sergio and Amy the mom and there daughters.) they are not together anymore. Anyway, My Nieces and Nephews Inspire me so much, to keep going and move forward in life. 
I Suffer from Severe Depression, PTSD bad, Type 2 Diabetes, and more. My Mother has also Inspired me to have that drive and determination like her and to never give up. But the true Inspiration for me and I am not just saying this because I Support him very much and all. I have Never meet him in person yet. But he has helped in very big ways, without knowing it, he has helped to have more confidence and be stronger and to not be afraid to speak up about what I believe in, or am really passionate about. The person I speak of is Dan Gheesling From CBS's Big Brother he won Season 10 and should have won Season 14 in my opinion of course ;) He is a Motivational Speaker, Author, and Video Game Gamer. I also have meet some really Amazing Friends True friends(on Twitch) I have Never had before, help me through some really tough times as well. I love them All!! :) 
Dan Gheesling
So Yes these are my Inspirations in my life. <3
P.S. Check out Dan's Blog and Youtube Videos and Twitch Tv Channel. :)
This is my younger brother with one of
his sons Xavier he has Autsim. he is 6 now.
Sergio and Amy and Avie and Ella twins:)

Why I Watch People Play Video Games on YouTube?

Why I Watch People Play Video Games on Youtube?

I watch people play Video Games on Youtube because I well it takes me back to when I would sit next to my brothers and watch them play very intently and be excited when they would win and accomplish something. They wanted to tell the World!! :) Which is why I watch even though I may not be much of Big Time Gamer, I still enjoy watching and Learning New things Everyday! I mean we watch TV and Movies, and Non-Gaming Videos All the time on the Internet. 
So if that makes me "Weird" or "Strange" then I guess I am. 
But Personally, I don't care what others think of me. I used to my Whole life and not anymore. But this isn't about my life. 
Now, The reasons people play Video Games is a way of relaxing or just releasing frustration, or because its what the love and enjoy doing or maybe there job. Like my Older Brother he has a Degree in Game Designing a Bachelors Degree, and this is his job and he loves it and enjoys it very much. Playing Video Games and Designing them. So yes, there are reasons for Everything, and you may not understand them but it is what it is! :)
 LOVE THIS GAME!!! <3 <3 why because to me its Entertaining! :)