Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Staying Strong & Positive!

I know I haven't blogged in a while, I stopped because I just thought no one read or cared. As I'm sure no one will read or cared about this. But anyway, my mother has been dealing with a lot lately as the rest of us have, with my Nephews being taken from her. Well today in Court she found out my Nephews have been with There mother all this time and the are very miserable. I feel so bad for them and Wish they would give them back to my mother already. I just feel so helpless & Bad for my Nephews. I also feel for my mom as well because she still hasn't really been able to Deal with her sisters passing & now this. I just don't understand why all this is happening to my family. Why can't God Give us a break already. I just don't get it!! I don't know anymore. I am just trying to Stay Strong💪 & Positive through all of this, it's not been easy at all. But I'm trying.. God bless🙏🙏 👼💪🌠🌠🌠💙💙💙💙🕊🕊🗽🏆