Tuesday, May 10, 2016


2016, I have to say Has been One Crazy Year so far. I mean one passing after another and one Disaster after another and one Terrorist Attack after another. I mean just crazy! I have been working hard at Staying Positive & Strong, its not at all easy, especially cause I suffer from Severe Depression & PTSD ( due to being raped by my soul called father & 7 uncles. As I have talked about in a previous blog.) Anyway, I also Have to say This Year I have met some more truly Inspirational & Honorable & Strong & Empowering People My FalPal Family. I have my Renegamer Family love you all so much & miss you all! 💙💕😇🙏🙌🙌💪🌟👪 An now my FalPal Family! 😊😇🙌🙌👪🙏 love you all so much dearly! 😊 I am honored & blessed to have you all apart of my life God Bless & Take Care Loves! 💕💕💕😇🙌🙏🙏