Sunday, September 20, 2015

My Moving Day!

My Moving Day, was so 😴 (exhausting) lol we me and my brother and mom finished at 5am! 👀😯😇 we started moving things at 2:30pm. Yes kinda late I know. Lol 😂 but didn't think we had so much stuff, but we did. Lol we got rid of a Lot though too. Which was crazy! 😲 lol anyway, we are here at moms Temporary until we find a place. So yeah, it is weird being back here though, after 3 years. I'm glad I have a place to come to if I had too. Anyway, I just pray to find a place soon you know? 🙏💕💙😊👼 well hope everyone is well and god bless! ♥♥