Monday, July 6, 2015

Peace, Love, & Family!

I know I haven't blogged much lately, I do Apologize for that. 👼💙🌹 these past months, I have never felt so blessed and at peace with my life than I do now. I have learned so much like I do everyday. I mean you never stop learning no matter what. 😊😇 I have to say I have such wonderful, caring, true and understanding friends. It means more to me than you All will ever know. 💕🙏👼😊🌹🌹 I am really starting to put myself first meaning my health, because I don't ever want to ignore it again or allow any negativity to disrupt that in anyway. Because I want my good health back and I am working hard at doing that. 😊💙💕♥♥ I have to Thank You All For Especially Colleen Kelly, Dan Gheesling, and Janet and Joni Kendall and more All the Renegamers for helping me to work on being closer with my mother. For years, her and I have never been close , we just never got along, and hardly did much together. But now, because of All you're help and encouragement  we are slowly working on our relationship, and she is Listening so much better now than she did before. Lol 😇😊💕💕🙏 Thank you All so very much and God Bless & Be Well. 😇🌹🌹🌹👼💕💕💕👪


Hey! You know all these months with no internet has been Empowering. 👼🙏💕💕😊 I still miss you all so much. I am working on getting internet again. 😊👼💞😇 the reason these months have been Empowering is because I have been watching some really Inspiring and
Gratifying and Truly up lifting Stories. I Have been feeling Truly Truly Blessed and an Attitude of Never Giving Up and Persevering and Staying Strong. 💕💕💕💙💙😊😊🌹🌹🌹🙏🙏👪💪 I truly hope you all are Well and Feeling Blessed too. 😇♥♥ God Bless you all!!!