Saturday, March 28, 2015

Feeling Strong!

A few months ago, I went to see a new Pain Management Doctor, why am I telling you this , because he was very inappropriate during the appointment, never thought I would be saying that, but yes he was. He questions were inappropriate as well his exam. An his Assistant did nothing. I left there feeling sick and shocked. An also feeling like why didn't I do anything? Why did I just freeze? 😔😭💔🙊😞 I didn't know what feel or think for months, I felt like I  was 5 again, I was just so confused and scared. I wasn't sure what to do or say .of course I said something I wasn't going keep it inside hell no, I filed a complaint with Arizona Medical Board. So yeah, I am proud of myself for that, because I know I have come a long way from the quiet little girl. I am much stronger and a survivor , 🙏💕💪😇 I hope that no one ever goes through this. An don't be afraid to say anything or report it. God bless and thank you all for listening. 🙏👼😇💕💙💕🌟