Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A Rough Day..

Today, was a rough one. 😔😭💙 I had to take my Dog Peanuts back to my Mom's House. 💔👼🐶🏡 I know he will be okay. But I miss him and love him. 💕😔 stupid apartment neighbor's. 😡 nosey jealous people. We're where they when my apt was broken into.? I know it is what it is.. But it still sucks. 😔 anyway I am glad he has adjusted well. 😊😇 🐶 I hope he stays healthy and continues doing well. 😊💙💕  I am also without internet again at home. 😭 stupid Sprint! Over Charging me its terrible. They also make Promises they can't and Don't keep. How rude!! And planning wrong.. Anyway I miss you all so much hope all is well. Take care and be Well. 💙💕😊👼😇