Monday, July 28, 2014

A late

I am sitting here in my Apartment Complexes Laundry Room at 4:44am. Now by myself there was a creepy guy in here lol. Anyway, My I am bit bothered because my brother Sergio was "suppose to" go see his daughters this past weekend, with my mom. But he chose which is his choice not to go. I understand he didn't want have my mom paying for everything which I really get. I don't know maybe I am being silly but I just though he really wanted to see them I mean keeps saying he wants to but isn't doing anything like getting a job and stuff. He says he's looking but I don't believe him because he should've had one already something even Temporary better than nothing right? I don't know what do you think? Please let me know..  😊 take care and god bless. 💚💜💕🙏

Friday, July 18, 2014

Thank You All!! ☺

I am writing this one because I want to say Thank You So Much to All My ReneGamer Friends and Family. ☺ You All are truly the best and have helped me with so much these passed months from my younger brothers passing to family members being in the hospital. I am truly very blessed and honored to know each and everyone of you. 💝🎉 I love you all so much and wish you all nothing but the best and I hope soon to be able to meet you all face to face. 💝💝😊☺Thank you and take care and god bless. ☺
The picture of little girl is me☺!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

I pray for you..

Hey, all I am asking if you would please say some prayers for my family and I because my nephew Xavier Melendez is having mouth surgery yeah, because the medications he is taking for his bipolar and Autism have ruined his teeth. :( so please I ask that you keep him in your thoughts and prayers much appreciated god bless and thank you! 💝💝

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


I just don't understand why is it when I help out others it Always back fires on me? :( I just don't get it, I have done so much for others and this is what I get in return?! I am at a complete loss and frustrated.. :/ I know not everyone is greedy and selffish and all but me trusting you is not something to take advantage of and it doesn't come easy either. I wish some people would see that and understand that. But it is what it is. I guess.. I don't know. I really appreciate you all and lots of love and take care. :) <3