Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A New Beginning :)


I Have learned so much this week without Any Internet and Home Phone and All. I have Done a LOT of Thinking scary I know LOL! seriously though, I have thought a LOT about life and family and friends and Especially Forgiveness. yeah, I have Always thought of myself as a pretty forgving person and understanding as well. But come to find out after the brake in from my younger brother in my home I found myself taking things out on those that really care about me and being angry at such stupid stuff. I also found myself not being so forgving. yeah not good, with this time I have rethought a LOT of things and with the help of my therapy I have Learned to Forgive again and move forward in life. :) So yeah I am pretty proud of myself :) I am sure for some people out there don't believe but you know what I am not out prove or get approval from anyone so it is what it is! :) Just wanted to share this. God Bless and Take Care :) <3 (Love) :)