Monday, September 2, 2013

My Crazy Life!

                                      My Crazy Life! 
I am 34 year old woman, I have three brothers and I am the only Girl. I have four Step Sisters and One Step Brother I never Met. They are all older than I am. I Have had a really rough life and lots of struggles. I have overcome so growing up. I was a very shy and not very talkative young girl. I was bullied and terrorized in School. (Grammar School and a little in High School). Then I would come home an get again at home from my brothers and sometimes my mother. She would verbally abuse me and she did some Physical also. I can say I don't completely blame her for her actions Not at All making excuses for her, but she too had a rough up bringing and Survived two horrible marriages from two Alcoholics that Beat her as well.  Plus, two parents that really weren't there for her like they should have been. But thats all whole other story with that. I am writing this at 5:16 am AZ time. because I really am just tired of being pushed around and run over by people and family who can't seem to be up front with me. This is just a small story about me, I am sharing this with you because I wanted tell you a little about me. Now, I consider my self a True Survivor because I have done just that, and more. I was also Rapped by own Father and Seven Uncles at the age of Five on Christmas eve. I didn't tell anyone until I was 16. I am telling you this because I have become much stronger and more outspoken and like I said before a True Survivor. With all this being said, I just wanted people to know that you are not alone out there and that you can get help. I do realize this is very personal, but I wanted to share this to allow you to get to know me a little.  
 yes, this is me! I know probably not what you expected but who cares I am who I am and I am me! :)