Saturday, July 20, 2013

My Week

                   My Week 

It has been a Crazy one! to say the least! lol :) I am just glad its over, and that I can rest and relax and chill now. YAY!!! :D 

Monday, July 15, 2013

An Awkward Day!

Today has been an Awkward Day, why because My brother Sergio who lives with me, Finally got a call from his Girls Mother, who lives in Texas now. she lived in Albuquerque, NM. Anyway, She tells him she lives there with her dad now, cause that were her dad lives. I am not sure why, But I think I am but not sure. Sergio finally got to talk his Daughters, an I felt so bad for him because they asked who is this? he said your dad, and they said no, your not my dad, he is at work. which they are talking about her new boyfriend Matt. Not cool! But I understand why they did it, cause he hasn't been around in a while, and this guy has.  The reason Sergio hasn't been there in a while, is because he had to move back to AZ here, cause he got Evicted from his Apartment Complex over in Albuquerque. Because he was struggling with rent and then he lost his job and everything was starting to go down hill from there. So anyway, It just shocked him that his Girls would say that, but to be honest it didn't me or the rest of my family because he has been there in a while. But then my heart breaks for Sergio cause that was a hard blow but also a reality check I guess too. 
His Family! :)